Feel free to contribute! We collect applications which are handy to use in everyday life. should be lightweight... (just talk to Peter) [b]resoph notes[/b] lightweight application for win to edit simple text files as a list of notes. saves automatically in textfiles. [b]stickies (notes widget)[/b] http://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/ veraCrypt (encypted filecontainers) shareX (screenshots, gifs, videos) tree size free (analysing folder sizes of partitions) ClocX (lightweight clock widget) http://www.clocx.net/ Ear Trumpet (better volumeMixer) https://github.com/File-New-Project/EarTrumpet Virtual Audio Cable http://vb-audio.pagesperso-orange.fr/Cable/ http://vincent.burel.free.fr/VirtualAudioApps/VBCABLE_Driver_Pack43.zip http://vbaudio.jcedeveloppement.com/Download_CABLE/VBCABLE_Driver_Pack43.zip audio router (set output device for each program) https://github.com/audiorouterdev/audio-router teamspeak, of course with this plugin: http://forum.teamspeak.com/threads/105784-SoundPack-Smart-TTS-by-ToFran gnuplot cmd program for plotting data to image files